Funeral Home

Funeral Home

Answering services for Funeral Home

Answering Service for Funeral Homes

Funeral homes deal with clients during an extremely sorrowful time, and need to treat their clients with compassion, sensitivity and understanding. In this field, it is imperative that your phone representatives give callers their complete attention and respond sensitively and efficiently. It is also important that callers don’t reach an impersonal voicemail or an answering machine when they call, as they want to handle their business without having to repeatedly call back or wait for a return call. During times of loss, people have a lot on their mind and need to be able to trust that you will handle everything possible on your end so they can take care of other matters.

A Compassionate Funeral Home Answering Service

Northwest Telephone Answering Service can handle all of these phone service needs and more. We offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operator services, so every caller reaches a live operator that is ready to help them.

These operators are specifically trained in the funeral home industry, so they will handle each caller with the respect, compassion and urgency required in your business.

Our experienced operators can handle all your business’ phone needs such as: death calls, obituaries, bill payments, advance arrangements, funeral service references, driving directions, and general inquiries. We will set up a personalized system to alert you to your messages via text message, email, or phone, as well as to forward any callers to you that you deem urgent. If you are at a memorial service, wake, or in a meeting with a grieving family, you and your staff may not be able to answer every call that comes in, hiring Northwest Telephone Answering Service will allow you to focus on the business at hand and leave the phone calls to us.